Pragyata: the learning resource center opens from Monday to Sunday: 09:30 am - 09:30 pm, the LRC remained Closed on public holiday.
It is located in the institute's academic building.
The library can be accessed by its authentic users i.e. Faculty, Students Research Scholar & Staff Members
Membership and Borrowing
Members of IIM Bodh Gaya fraternity can be filled a membership form and submit it to the circulation counter.
Libraries may have different borrowing privileges based on membership type as follows:
No. of Books
Borrowing Period
90 Days
Ph. D Students
60 Days
PGP Students
15 Days
IPM Students
30 Days
07 Days
The library charges Rs. 5/-per day as fines for overdue. In case the book is lost/damaged/disfigured, the user must report to the library in writing. The borrower will be required to replace the same or the latest edition of the document along with INR 100 and overdue charges.
Patrons can renew borrowed materials for an additional loan period, provided no holds exist. Renewals can often be made online or in person
LRC offers a RemoteX facility, allowing 24/7 access to library services from anywhere. To activate, email @
The LRC has subscribed to research support tools like Turnitin, Scopus, Grammarly, and Quilbot for its stakeholders.
The IIMBG stakeholders can request new books for procurement by filling out the form at the circulation desk OR online. Clicking here!
Eatable items (biscuits, cookies, fruits, chocolates, cold drinks, tea/coffee, etc.) are strictly prohibited in the library. Only non-disposable water bottles are allowed.
One can refer to the user guide prepared for all e-resources and may also contact library staff for their desired resources.
The LRC conducts an orientation program for newly admitted students at the beginning of the session. One can also avail of the Insta training support.