ALFRED,: Provides vintage Federal Reserve economic data on specific historical dates.
Asian Development Bank (ADB): Most recently published ADB documents are available freely.
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) Journals: Provide a comprehensive search facility for all 45 academic law journals in Australia and New Zealand.
Background Notes (U.S. State Department reports) : Include facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and foreign relations of independent states, some dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty. The home of the US Government's open data.
FRED: Database of approximately 3000 economic time series Free Economic, Demographic & Financial Data.
Espacenet: Free access to over 80 million patent documents worldwide, containing information about inventions and technical developments from 1836 to today. Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) World Bank: 15,629 publications in 9 collections, 238 sub-collections.
Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) World Bank: 15,629 publications in 9 collections, 238 sub-collections.
Public Finance India: Reports & Budget Library: Public Finance India: Reports & Budget Library: The library is a comprehensive repository for state and municipal government budgets and reports, organized by state, year, and document type, including Macromoney research reports, and offers free access with required registration.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Database: Data on various aspects of the Indian Economy.
The World Bank Open Data: Free and open access to data about development in countries around the globe.
World Bank Group Documents and Reports: Gives access to more than 14,000 free World Bank documents
World Factbook: Lists country profiles for each nation, including history, people, government, economy, military, industry, flags, and maps